Dear Parents/Carers,
Teacher Training Days
There are two teacher training days planned for the beginning of the autumn term on the 1st and 4th September. The children will therefore start back on Tuesday 5th September.
Staffing Teams
Our staffing teams for September are as follows:
Pre School | Natalie Gordon | Heena Bhakta Jessica McClelland |
Reception | Natalie Gordon Abbie Wickens | Mandi Shirley Natasha Pine Andie Barker |
Year 1 | Josie Fereday | Ruth Legg |
Year 2 | Jane Mortimer | Nickie Pearce Marianna Trandafil |
Year 3 | Clairissa Payne | Kay Lewis Anne-Marie Thompson |
Year 4 | Leah Martin Maria McDonald | Sharon Billingham |
Year 5 | Alex Mills Angie Pagett | Sharon Billingham Lindsey White Shannon Mooney |
Year 6 | Nicole Pownall | Kiren Tambar |
The School Day
Thank you for your feedback on your preferences regarding extending the school day. From September we will be extending our day to 3.30pm, this takes into consideration the government recommendation of schools offering a 32.5 hour week.
Our gates will continue to open in the morning between 8.45am an 8.55am, once the main gate is closed, your child will need to come in through the office. Registration in the classroom is at 8.55am, if your child arrives after this time they will receive a late mark. The gates will reopen at 3.30pm for collection from classroom doors.
Breakfast club is available from 8am and costs £4 per day. Our after school club will continue to finish at 5.15pm, however, as the children will be attending for 15 minutes less, I will reduce the fee to £7 per day. Please book both of these through the ‘My Child at School’ App.
Healthy Snacks
Every child in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 is given a piece of fruit for break time. If your child is in Year 3, 4, 5 or 6, they can bring a healthy snack (such as a piece of fruit, healthy cereal bar ….) into school.
Every child in the school is issued with their own water bottle, these are regularly sterilised. The children are not required to bring in anything from home.
School Uniform
School uniform should be worn every day from September. Our uniform includes a black or grey skirt, trousers or shorts, a white or pale blue polo t-shirt and a royal blue sweatshirt with or without the school logo. Black plain shoes or trainers should be worn. No jewellery (apart from stud earrings and watches) should be worn or nail polish. Please ensure all clothing is named.
PE Kits
PE kits should be provided at the beginning of every half term and will be sent home for washing at the end of the half term. PE kits should consist of black or navy shorts, plain round neck white t-shirt, black pumps or trainers and black or navy tracksuit in the winter. Please provide PE kits in a draw string bag or named plastic bag and ensure they are named. It will be kept on your child’s peg.
Sickness Notification and Medication
If your child is poorly and will not be attending school, please let the office know as soon as you can by either emailing [email protected] or telephoning 02476 456063 press option 1 and leave a message.
If your child is asthmatic, please ensure there is an inhaler in school at all times and a new form needs to be completed every academic year. We can only administer medication if it has been prescribed by a doctor, for antibiotics, only if your child needs 4 doses per day.
Term Time Holidays
Term time holidays will not be authorised and a penalty notice will be issued. If leave during term time is unavoidable, please complete a leave of absence form which is available at the office.
Homework expectations are as follows: all children in Y1 – Y6 should read every night and use Times Table Rock Stars or Numbots to practice their maths. Spellings are sent home every Friday and should be practiced daily. Any additional homework will be put onto Google Classroom.
I have attached a copy of the term dates with the five teacher training days clearly identified.
I do hope you have a lovely summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you all on 5th September.
Yours sincerely
Emma White