Virtual Sports Day

In celebration of World Book Day, some of our teachers have shared their favourite stories for you to enjoy at home. These are available on your child’s Google Classroom stream and will soon be available to watch on our school website 🤩🤩📚 pic.twitter.com/PmGv35Ea24— Sowe Valley Primary School (@SoweVPrimary) March 8, 2024

Sowe Valley Virtual Sports Day
As we cannot all be together this year, we thought it may be fun to hold a virtual sports day! How it will work? As this is a virtual Sports Day, we are going to use all the colours of the rainbow for teams this year to say thank you to the NHS and key workers. Every child in the school will be in a rainbow colour team.
There will be 15 activities will be posted on every year groups Google Classroom on Monday 6th July. You have then got until Wednesday 8th July 5pm to complete as many of the activities as you can. The challenges range from making your own obstacle course, to the traditional egg and spoon race. You will need all of your skills from throwing and catching to riding a bike! There will be lots of different challenges for everybody to enjoy and have fun. You will need to send in a video of you completing the task so we can award points for your team.
Points will be awarded for each of the 15 challenges!
5 points for the winner of the challenge
5 points for the best effort/sportsmanship in the class
2 points for each pupil who joins in the challenge.
Good luck!
We can’t wait to see your amazing sporting achievements!

The Challenges
Who’s up for the challenge?

A -5 jumping jacks | B-10 jumps in the air | C- turn round 3 times | D-hop right foot | E- hop left foot | F- crab walk 5 seconds |
G-5 sit ups | H- knees up 10 seconds | I-left leg high kick | J-right leg high kick | K- 3 push ups | L- 1 cart wheel |
M- 1 log roll | N-5 jumping jacks | O-slide to the left | P- slide to the right | Q – make a bridge | R-5 bunny hops |
S-3 sit ups | T-balance left foot | U- knees up 10 seconds | V- hop left foot | W- hop left | X- 1 forward roll |
Y- 3 push ups | Z-run on spot 30 seconds |

Staff Sports Challenge Attempts
Can you beat your teachers?