Single Equality

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This Scheme covers a four year period from February 2022 to February 2026


This Single Equality Scheme for schools in Coventry provides a format for addressing the statutory duties of the Equality Act 2010. This supersedes and brings together all previous statutory duties in relation to race, gender and disability and also addresses the duty to promote community cohesion, thus meeting the school’s statutory duties in these areas.

The scheme also highlights how Sowe Valley Primary School has worked with and listened to the staff, pupils, parents and carers to inform development of action plans and the need and commitment required to ensure the scheme is a success. This is underpinned by a commitment to promoting positive relationships and understanding between all groups within our school communities.

This document sets out how pupils with the following protected characteristics (previously known as equality strands) will be protected in our school from harassment and discrimination:-

  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion and belief.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Gender reassignment.
  • Maternity and pregnancy

This scheme extends however to cover all aspects of vulnerability, including those associated with socio-economic factors (e.g. pupils from low income families).

As well as delivering high quality services to our pupils, Sowe Valley Primary School is also committed to being a good employer and as such this scheme outlines how we meet our varied duties in terms of recruitment and employment practices. We are also committed to be fully inclusive of all community users, including parents and carers. As such, this scheme therefore also sets out how we will work to overcome any discrimination related to the other protected characteristics:-

  • Age
  • Being married or in a civil partnership

This Scheme sets out:

  • information about our school and the local area;
  • our plans to meet our general and specific duties;
  • how we will promote community cohesion
  • how we have involved people in the development of this scheme;
  • what our plans are to gather and use information;
  • how we intend to ensure our policies are fair;
  • how we will report on our progress;
  • who is responsible for making our scheme a reality; and,
  • an action plan addressing our equality priorities

This scheme is reviewed every four years and is reported on annually.

Aims of the single equality scheme

  • To articulate Sowe Valley Primary School’s commitment to equality which permeates all our policies and practices
  • To ensure that everyone who belongs to, or comes into contact with, our school communities is valued and respected
  • To promote equality of opportunity and eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation
  • To comply with statutory duties under equalities legislation in one document

Purpose of the Equality Scheme

This equality scheme is Sowe Valley Primary School’s response to the specific and general duties in the current equality legislation, which has been brought together under the Equality Act 2010 It is an attempt to capture how the school is systematically establishing and implementing good practice in equality and diversity across all areas of school life. This includes a response to all aspects of social identity and diversity.

This Equality Scheme sets out how the school will:

  • eliminate discrimination
  • eliminate harassment or victimisation related to any aspect of social identity or diversity;
  • promote equality of opportunity;
  • promote positive attitudes to all aspects of social identity and diversity;
  • encourage participation by disabled people and people representing different aspects of social identity in public life;
  • take steps to take account of difference even where that involves treating some people more favourably than others;
  • take proportionate action to address the disadvantage faced by particular groups of pupils.

 Planning to eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity

This scheme is underpinned by the core belief that all children and young people belong to their local community and share the same rights to membership of that community and a quality education. An action plan accompanies this Equality Scheme, which identifies what we will be doing over the coming year to make our school more accessible to the whole community, irrespective of background or need.

 We will collect data related to the protected characteristics and analyse this data to determine our focus for our equality objectives. This data will be assessed across our core provisions as a school. This will include the following functions:

  • admissions
  • attendance
  • attainment
  • exclusions
  • prejudice related incidents

Addressing Prejudice Related Incidents

Sowe Valley Primary School is opposed to all forms of prejudice and we recognise that children and young people who experience any form of prejudice related discrimination may fair well in the education system. We provide both our pupils and staff awareness of the impact of prejudice in order to prevent any incidents. If incidents still occur we address them immediately and report them to the Local Authority using their guidance material. The Local Authority may provide some support.

The scheme encompasses our anticipatory duties to plan ahead for the reasonable adjustments (reasonable and proportionate steps to overcome barriers that may impede some pupils) we need to make to be best placed to help disabled pupils who come to our school.

This action plan includes the school’s Disability Accessibility Plan for the school as it sets out how the school will increase access to education for disabled pupils, alongside other protected groups, in the three areas required: –

  • increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum;
  • improving the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services;
  • improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.

Monitor, review and reporting

The action plan is renewed annually and progress towards the equality objectives within it is reported on regularly to governors. Equality objectives have been identified through consultation with key stakeholders. It can be made available in different formats and in different languages upon request to the school office.

Every four years, we will review our objectives in relation to any changes in our school profile. Our objectives will sit in our overall School Development Plan and therefore will be reviewed as part of this process.

This Scheme will be reported on annually to Governors. Progress against the action plan will be evaluated and the impact of the action and activities assessed. This report will be available as a separate document and provided to all stakeholders upon request.


We will ensure that the whole school community is aware of the Single Equality Scheme and our published equality information and equality objectives by publishing them on the school website. Parents will be made aware of the document through newsletters and a copy will be included in the Policy File.


Breaches to this statement will be dealt with in the same way that breaches of other school policies are dealt with, as determined by the senior leadership team and governing body.

Vision and Aims

At Sowe Valley we feel that the children are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to ensure that our children are happy, confident children who share a positive attitude and an enthusiasm to find out about the world around them.

We believe that learning should be engaging, purposeful and challenging and aim to provide a diverse and motivating curriculum that responds to the needs and interests of our learners.

Sowe Valley is a learning community for all, where children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community work together to create a safe, caring and stimulating environment in which every individual is valued, encouraged to succeed and equipped with the skills they need for the adventures ahead of them.

We aim for the children to leave our school;

  • Having achieved their academic potential
  • Having enjoyed all areas of learning
  • Confident and thoughtful
  • Caring, helpful and happy
  • Well prepared for their next steps.

Sowe Valley Primary School.

Sowe Valley Primary School is a smaller than average sized primary school. It has a relatively high proportion of children from minority ethnic groups, and a similar proportion who do not have English as a first language. A higher than average proportion of children are known to be eligible for FSM, with very high indicators of deprivation in the area. There is a higher than average proportion of children receiving SEN support. Attainment on entry is below average.

The training taken to position Sowe Valley Primary well for the equality and diversity agenda.

  • Whole staff training on specific medical conditions and disabilities – asthma, epilepsy, autism
  • On-going staff development opportunities on provision for pupils with Special Education Needs – through staff meetings and centrally based training for individuals
  • Inclusion Manager training and networking opportunities
  • Additional training on meeting the needs of pupils with English as and Additional language and those from Minority Ethnic groups
  • Learning Mentors training opportunities – awareness of the impact of socio-economic deprivation
  • Whole staff – training on safeguarding children and child protection

 Teaching and Learning

Classroom staff will ensure that pupils are taught in an inclusive environment where pupils feel safe, included and their contributions are valued.

Staff will challenge stereotypes and foster pupils’ critical awareness and concepts of fairness, enabling them to detect bias and challenge inequalities.

Resources and displays will reflect the experience and backgrounds of the range of people living in the UK. We will ensure they celebrate diversity and challenge stereotypes in all curriculum areas.

 The curriculum and its delivery will be differentiated appropriately to ensure the inclusion of, boys and girls; pupils who are disabled; pupils learning English as an additional language; pupils from minority groups; pupils who are gifted and talented; pupils with special educational needs; pupils who are looked after by the local authority and pupils who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion.

Our commitment to equality and cohesion will be demonstrated by our work to;

  • promote equality, by assessing the impact of our policies on different groups
  • challenge and eradicate discrimination and harassment, for example, by acting quickly to deal with all bullying
  • promote community cohesion, for example, through involvement with school linking and other activities
  • encourage greater participation in public life, through involvement with schools councils, Parent groups and Governing bodies
  • ensure our curriculum reflects the society we want to encourage, that respects diversity and reinforces positive community values
  • take care to ensure all pupils can access an appropriately designed curriculum
  • promote human rights and equality through the Citizenship Curriculum
  • ensure all children can access, and participate in, out of school activity
  • develop and report our equality work as part of our business planning, school improvement, and school self evaluation processes
  • develop and supporting our workforce, providing a working environment free from harassment
  • work together with pupils, parents, staff, stakeholders and the wider community to develop and make real our equality aims and objectives
  • review and audit all our Equality and Cohesion activities

 Provision within Sowe Valley Primary School

Examples of reasonable adjustments the school makes as a matter of course

  • Inclusion profiles for each cohort identify the different potential barriers to learning that may be operating for individuals
  • Individual education plans – these may be written for learning or behavioural issues
  • On-going differentiation in lessons
  • Information is available in different formats upon request
  • Stakeholders are regularly consulted upon issues – wide ranging questionnaires and on specific areas/issues
  • Provision of specific resources to meet needs of children with various disabilities – e.g. coloured overlay and exercise books, additional laptops, visual timetables, wobble cushions, Single Equality Scheme – February 2014 Approved by Governors writing slopes, additional time in assessment, additional adult support, personalised hygiene arrangements

Outcomes for pupils

Outcomes for pupils are analysed against social identity issues, i.e. gender, ethnicity, disability, faith background, and aspects of vulnerability identified by the school. This is compared with the outcomes made for all pupils. This is summarised in the School Self Evaluation Statement.

Along with on-going termly pupil tracking, this process determines the impact of our provision on improving outcomes for identified pupils.

In line with statutory requirements all new policies as well as existing policies and functions are evaluated for the impact they have, in consultation with identified pupils and parents/carers. See pupil tracking information.

Roles and Responsibilities in Implementing the Single Equality Scheme

The Head Teacher  will:

  • ensure that staff and parents are informed about the Single Equality Scheme;
  • ensure that the scheme is implemented effectively;
  • manage any day to day issues arising from the policy whether for pupils or for the school as an employer;
  • ensure staff have access to training which helps to implement the scheme;
  • liaise with external agencies regarding the policy so that the school’s actions are in line with the best advice available;
  • monitor the scheme and report to the Governing Body at least annually, on the effectiveness of the policy;
  • ensure that the leadership team are kept up to date with any development affecting the policy/action plan arising from the scheme;
  • provide appropriate support and monitoring for all pupils and specific and targeted pupils to whom the scheme has direct relevance, with assistance from relevant agencies.
  • Ensure that all appointments give due regard to this plan, so that no-one is discriminated against when it comes to employment or training opportunities;
  • promote the principle of equal opportunity when developing the curriculum, and promote respect for other people and equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of school life
  • treat all incidents of unfair treatment and any incidents of bullying or discrimination, including racist incidents, with due seriousness.
  • ensure the specific needs of staff members are addressed;
  • ensure that there is a member of staff who is trained to support/move individual children with disabilities if so required.

The Governing Body will:

  • ensure that the schools comply with all relevant equalities legislation;
  • recommend all governors receive up to date training in all the equalities duties;
  • designate a link governor with specific responsibility for the Single Equality Scheme;
  • establish that the action plans arising from the scheme are part of the School Development Plan; Single Equality Scheme
  • Seek to ensure that people are not discriminated against when applying for jobs at our school on grounds of race, gender or disability.
  • support the Headteachers in implementing any actions necessary;
  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure that the school environment gives access to people with disabilities, and also strive to make school communications as inclusive as possible for parents, carers and pupils.
  • Welcome all applications to join the school, whatever a child’s socio-economic background, race, gender or disability.
  • Ensures that no child is discriminated against whilst in our school on account of their race, sex or disability.
  • inform and consult with parents about the scheme;
  • evaluate and review the action every four years;
  • evaluate the action plan yearly.

The Senior Leadership Team will:

  • have general responsibility for supporting other staff in implementing this scheme;
  • provide a lead in the dissemination of information relating to the scheme;
  • identify good quality resources and CPD opportunities to support the scheme;
  • with the Headteachers, provide advice/support in dealing with any incidents/issues;
  • assist in implementing reviews of this scheme as detailed in the School Development Plan.

The Inclusion Leader will have the specific responsibility for:

  • Maintaining and sharing with all the staff those vulnerable pupils and how their needs will be met;
  • Holding staff to account for gathering and analysing the information on outcomes of vulnerable pupils;
  • Leading the Pastoral Support team in the monitoring of Pupil Concerns Files and ensuring that appropriate actions are taken in response to issues arising

School Staff will:

  • All staff will ensure that all pupils are treated fairly, equally and with respect, and will maintain awareness of the school’s Equality Plan.
  • All staff will strive to provide material that gives positive images based on race, gender and disability, and challenges stereotypical images.
  • All staff will challenge any incidents of prejudice, racism or homophobia, and record any serious incidents, drawing them to the attention of the headteachers.
  • Teachers support the work of ancillary or support staff and encourage them to intervene in a positive way against any discriminatory incidents.
  • In the case of a child with disabilities, an trained member of staff will be available to support when required.

Parents/Carers will:

  • have access to the scheme;
  • be encouraged to support the scheme;
  • have the opportunity to attend any relevant meetings/awareness raising sessions related to the scheme;
  • have the right to be informed of any incident related to this scheme which could directly affect their child.

Pupils will:

  • be made aware of any relevant part of the scheme, appropriate to age and ability;
  • be expected to act in accordance with any relevant part of the scheme
  • experience a curriculum and environment which is respectful of diversity and difference and prepares them well for life in a diverse society;
  • understand the importance of reporting prejudiced based bullying bullying/incidents;
  • ensure the peer support programme within the school promotes understanding and supports pupils who are experiencing discrimination.

Visitors and contractors are responsible for complying with the school’s Equality Scheme – noncompliance will be dealt with by the Headteacher.

 Involvement Processes

Policies are vital to identify and consolidate thinking regarding appropriate provision for pupils, however, they are often viewed as an end, when they should be seen as a process – always evolving in response to changes and evidence from impact assessments. When developing this Equality Scheme, the school is clear that this is a process which must be informed by the involvement of all participants such as pupils, parents, school staff, governors and external agencies. This will ensure that the school gleans insights into the barriers faced by people from different social identity backgrounds and learns the best ways to overcome such barriers.

This Scheme will be informed, therefore, by:

  • the views and aspirations of pupils themselves from different social identity backgrounds;
  • the views and aspirations of parents/carers of pupils from different social identity backgrounds;
  • the views and aspirations of staff from different social identity backgrounds;
  • the views and aspirations of members of the community and other agencies, including voluntary organisations, representing different social identity backgrounds;
  • the priorities in the Coventry Children and Young People’s Plan.

Mechanisms for involvement

At Sowe Valley Primary School the following mechanisms will ensure the views of pupils inform the Equality Scheme and action plan:

  • School council;
  • Twice yearly focus groups of pupils representing the different protected characteristics ie, gender forum, disability forum;
  • Individual interviews with pupils involved in incidents of a discriminatory nature;
  • Individual interviews with pupils experiencing reasonable adjustments;
  • Pupil involvement in IEP reviews and structured conversation