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Good time keeping means…

making sure your child is at school and ready to learn, before the doors close!

Did you know? Being 15 minutes late each day is the same as missing two weeks of school!

Parents Attendance Leaflet

Attendance Policy

A year has 365 days. A school year has only 190 school days. This leaves 175 days for family time, shopping, holidays and appointments.

A 2-week holiday in term time means that the highest attendance a child can achieve is 94.7%.

Absence from school

The Government regard 95% as the minimum satisfactory attendance for a primary school pupil.

A year has 365 days. A school year has only 190 school days. This leaves 175 days for family time, shopping, holidays and appointments. 

A 2-week holiday in term time means that the highest attendance a child can achieve is 94.7%.

What we want you to do!


Help your child to develop routines

  • Make sure your child eats breakfast, it helps them stay alert at school
  • Make sure they get their schoolbag ready the night before
  • Aim for 10 hours sleep a night for your child. This will make the following day at school easier to cope with.
  • Develop an evening routine which includes homework time, tea, TV, reading and bed.
  • Try and make sure that medical appointments are made for after school time and provide evidence of appointments.
  • Avoid booking holidays during term time
  • Reward your child for good attendance as well as you can, set them a target and discuss the reward with them.
  • If you know child is ill, you must ring the school and let them know.